Child Find Screenings


Linda Vollinger M.Ed
Early Childhood Child Find Coordinator
Send Linda Vollinger an Email

Amy Roque M.Ed
Director of Early Childhood Education
Send Amy Roque an Email

For more information:

HPS offers screenings to identify children who may need special services

Under federal law, all public schools are required to actively look for, find, and evaluate infants, toddlers, children and young adults up to age 21 who may have a disability and who may require special education services.

At Holyoke Public Schools, it is our responsibility to identify any children who are Holyoke residents who may have a disability—regardless of severity—including those who are:

  • Currently enrolled at HPS;

  • Not yet enrolled at HPS;

  • Participating in a district-approved home program;

  • Attending private school within the geographic boundaries of Holyoke (as either a resident or non-resident); and/or

  • Homeless or a ward of the state.

HPS is also required to evaluate those children to determine if they are eligible for special education or related services under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) or 603 CMR 28 (Massachusetts Special Education Regulations).

Free Child Find screenings for children ages 3-5

The Holyoke Public Schools provides Early Childhood Child Find screenings throughout the school year at no cost to families. The purpose of this screening is to identify preschool age children ages 3-5 who are at risk for developmental delays and may require special education services. 

Does my preschool-age child need to be screened? 

You may want to have your young child screened, based on how you answer the following questions:

  • Does your child have a vision or hearing problem? 

  • Does your child have difficulty speaking or expressing him/herself? 

  • Does your child do things more slowly or much later than other children the same age? 

  • Does your child have any other concerns that may interfere with learning? 

  • Does your child have any suspected delays with physical skills (fine/gross motor skills)?

While your answers to these questions alone are not sufficient to determine whether your child needs services, if you answered yes to one or more of them, you may wish to arrange for your child to be screened by the school district at no cost to you.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s development or you answered yes to any of these questions and would like to arrange for a screening, please complete the HPS Early Childhood Child Find Intake Form. You can also email us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Screenings and services for children already enrolled in school

The Child Find screenings described above are not designed for children already enrolled in school. If you have concerns about your school-age child, you may request information and support from the principal of your Zone School.