Health, Wellness, Nursing

A Kelly School student uses hula hoops to play a game during physical education
Contact Us
Your school nurse is your first point of contact
School Nurse Contact Information
Cynthia Carbone, MEd, MSN, RN
Director of Health, Wellness, and Nursing
Send Cynthia Carbone an Email
(413) 534-2000, Extension 1221
728 Main Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Health Guidelines for School Attendance Video (English)
Health Guidelines for School Attendance Video (Spanish)
Health Guidelines for School Attendance Complete Guidance
Health Guidelines for School Attendance At-A-Glance Reference Charts
Additional Resources
Holyoke Public Schools supports comprehensive health education, nutrition services, physical activity, health services, mental health services, health promotion, school and family/community relationships, and a healthy environment. Improved health optimizes student attendance and academic performance. The district strives to equip students and their families with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices in their daily lives.
Medications, Procedures, Treatments, and Equipment at School
Medication Information for Families
Whenever possible and as appropriate, families should administer their child’s medications, treatments, and procedures at home.
Children who require any of the following during school hours must have them available at school:
Emergency medication such as (but not limited to) an epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen),
Asthma inhaler,
Seizure medication,
Diabetic supplies, and/or
Other medication, treatment, or items needed for a procedure.
Medications, procedures, treatments, and equipment at school require current written orders and the signature of a parent or guardian
If your child needs medication, procedures, treatment, and/or equipment during the school day, a current and proper order from a licensed prescriber must be given to the nurse at your child’s school before the student enters or re-enters school. Orders will be renewed as needed, including at the beginning of each academic year.
Please keep in mind:
The pharmacy-labeled container must be in English.
The parent/guardian must deliver the medication directly to the school nurse. Do NOT give the medication to a teacher or any other staff member other than the school nurse.
Students are not permitted to transport the medication to school themselves. This must be done by a responsible adult.
Only students who have been approved for self-administration may carry medication with them.
Medication together with the signed paperwork must be presented to the school nurse before it can be administered. Important: The nurse is not able to accept medication without the signed forms or the signed forms without the medication.
Contact your child’s school nurse for more information or if you have questions.
More Information and Forms for Medications, Procedures, Treatments, and Equipment
Medication Cover Letter (PDF)
Epinephrine Administration Order and Emergency Care Plan (PDF)
Self-Administration Medication Form for Parents and Caregivers (PDF) | En Español (PDF)
Health forms for Kindergarten Registration
Health forms for Kindergarten registration include your child’s health history form, evidence of up-to-date immunizations, a lead test, and a current physical exam form. Be sure to contact your healthcare provider well in advance of Kindergarten Registration to make sure you have what you need when it’s time for you to register your child.
Screening and Physical Examination Information and Forms
Immunizations (Sometimes Called 'Vaccinations' or 'Shots') Information and Forms
General Health and Wellness Information and Resources
Health Education
Protecting Children from Abduction (PDF) |
En Español (PDF)
Health Services
Respiratory Synctial Virus (RSV) | Virus Sincitial Respiratorio En Español (RSV)
Head Lice Information
Menstrual Equity and Feminine Hygiene Products: HPS ensures that tampons and pads are available to all students in school health offices districtwide. In this way, students are provided with feminine hygiene options privately and respectfully. Both tampons and pads are available to students free of charge.
Physical Education and Physical Activity
Family Engagement
Nutrition and Well-Being
Physical Environment
Protecting Children from Extreme Temperatures: Both extreme heat and extreme cold can cause illness or injuries. If you believe your child has been exposed to extreme temperatures, watch for symptoms, and consult your health care provider as needed.
Employee Wellness
ESPYR Employee Assistance Program: Services are free and confidential for HPS employees and their eligible family members. Call (800) 869-0276 any time, or go to and log in using your password. Contact your Human Resources Generalist or School Nurse for more information.