Teacher Smiles

Cecily Selden, a fifth grader English teacher at Morgan, received a Superintendent’s Excellence Award from Superintendent Anthony Soto, who surprised her in class on Thursday, December 3. 

Ms. Selden was nominated by Grade 3 teacher Nana Boadu Ansah for her exceptional work ethic and dedication to her students. 

“Cecily is the hardest working teacher I have ever worked with, ”Ms. Ansah said when nominating Ms. Selden for this recognition. “When I first started at Morgan, right out of college, Cecily was my go to support person. She helped me persist when I felt like I wanted to quit. She saw potential in me, just like she does every single student she comes across. She is a staunch advocate for Holyoke families and carries on every day with such love in her heart. I admire her greatly and she is the type of teacher Holyoke needs more of.”