January is designated as National Mentoring Month and January 17 is International Mentoring Day. Holyoke Public Schools encourages its staff and Holyoke city employees to consider...
The numbers are clear: Young people who are provided resources and support from a mentor see benefits both in the short and long term. According to data provided by MENTOR Nationa...
The HPS Dual Language Program is accepting applications starting in February for the 2024-25 school year. Families who already know they would like their children to participate...
Holyoke Public Schools will operate on a two-hour delay on Monday, January 8 due to expected freezing conditions in the early morning. For safety reasons, no students should arriv...
Superintendent Anthony Soto shares his thoughts on the January 4, 2024 edition of the Together for Holyoke newsletter. Take a listen to the videos (in English and Spanish) and r...
The HPS community was saddened to learn of the passing of Judith (Judy) Ann Duclos on December 23, 2023 at the age of 85. She worked for Holyoke Public Schools for 20 years, first...
When a community considers whether to build a new school or improve existing buildings, it’s natural to wonder whether the investment improves student achievement. Economists have...
The January 4, 2024 edition of Together for Holyoke is now available. Follow this link to read the latest news: HPS recognizes Three Kings Day on Friday, January 5 Educat...
School Committee member Erin Brunelle was appointed vice chair of the Holyoke School Committee on Tuesday, January 2, following a 6-3 vote of the 10-member committee. Newly electe...
Demolition of the former Peck School building was completed in late December. Filling and grading work will continue on the site into January. Once that work is completed, the sit...
We’ve all heard students—and many adults—say “math is hard” or “I’m not good at math.” We’ve heard parents lament that “I cannot figure out how schools teach math to kids these da...
Effective January 2024, Dr. Gloria Caballero joins the School Committee as the Ward 4 representative. Ward 4 covers parts of the Churchill and downtown neighborhoods, as well as s...
Beginning in January, HPS eighth graders will learn more about Holyoke High School’s North and Dean campuses and will have opportunities to speak with school representatives to he...
The Holyoke Public Schools community thanks Irene Feliciano for nearly a decade of service as the Ward 4 Holyoke School Committee member. She was first elected to the School Commi...
Does your family need help completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for your high school senior? If so, consider enrolling in a free FAFSA webinar for stud...
While there is some debate online about whether September or December is the official “Read a New Book Month,” there is no denying that reading can be fun and rewarding any day of...
This year’s winter break will begin three hours earlier than HPS had previously announced as a way to give students, families, and staff a little extra time to prepare for the hol...
Opportunity Academy Principal Geoffrey Schmidt will be leaving Holyoke in January to take on the role of principal for Louis E. Dieruff High School in the Allentown School Distric...
Holyoke Public Schools has received a supply of warm clothing from the Cradle to Crayons Seasonal Clothing and Coats program. To request winter clothing for your children, pleas...
HPS classroom teachers for students in grades K-9 are leading weekly lessons and classroom discussions designed to help students build healthy relationships, manage strong emotion...